Delia re-investigates the mysterious deaths of three teenagers in Williamston in August 1992, one year after Doug Wagg was killed. Law enforcement’s quick decision to close the case sends up red flags and Delia discovers a concerning pattern begin to emerge.
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Episode Source Material
- The Enterprise: Bodies of Three Teenagers Found in River by Connie Rhem.
- The News and Observer: 3 deaths a mystery to police; foul Play suspected in teens drownings by Jerry Allegood. (1)
- The News and Observer: 3 deaths a mystery to police; foul Play suspected in teens drownings by Jerry Allegood. (2)
- Rocky Mount Telegram: Truck Search Key to solving deaths.
- The Associated Press via The Charlotte Observer: 3 teenagers found dead; police puzzled.
- The Chapel Hill News: Police say missing truck is suspicious in 3 deaths.
- The Associated Press via The News and Observer: Teens were jovial before disappearance.
- The Associated Press via Asheville Citizen-Times: Deaths of three teens baffle small town.
- News and Observer: Truck Pulled from river. By Jerry Allegood. (1)
- News and Observer: Truck Pulled from river. By Jerry Allegood. (2)
- The Associated Press via Rocky Mount Telegram: SBI hopes truck will give clues in teens’ drownings.
- The Weekly Herald & The Enterprise: River Search Nets Dead Teens’ Truck. By Connie Rhem.
- News and Observer: Sheriff Says Teens Drowned. By Jerry Allegood. (1)
- News and Observer: Sheriff Says Teens Drowned. By Jerry Allegood. (2)
- The Associated Press via The Chapel Hill News: Three Teens’ deaths ruled accidental.
- Greensboro News & Record: Civil Rights Group Seeks Answers in Drownings by staff.
- The Enterprise: SCL agrees teens’ death not accidental. By Connie Rhem.
- The Enterprise: Williamston Neighborhoods suffer second blackout. By Al Critcher.
- (Source 15) The Weekly Herald & The Enterprise: SCLC agrees teens’ deaths accidental.
- The Associated Press via The Asheville Citizen Times: Questions about boy’s death linger.